Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Breaking the Fourth Wall

The Internet is truly an amazing creation on many many different levels. The biggest one being that it works at all. It is a hodgepodge of switches and routers, a world wide tangle of trunk lines with redundancies and multiple failure points. A network containing a network containing a network with each network having different ownership and different architects. Honestly, the fact that a data packet can be sent from a PC in South Asia and find its way to a server in the US just amazes me. As my friend J so succinctly puts it:

"I can't believe this sh*t actually works!"

Ok, back to my title. Breaking the fourth wall is defined by Wikipedia as:

The presence of the fourth wall is an established convention of modern realistic theatre, which has led some artists to draw direct attention to it for dramatic or comedic effect when this boundary is "broken", for example by an actor onstage speaking to the audience directly.

So in keeping with my title, I present to you, a screen-shot of my blog tracking stats.

It seems that the majority of you out there are Firefox users like myself. There are a couple Unix users and one iPhone browser so far.

I want to thank you, my reader for being here and reading my blog. I started Occasional Hyker just a few weeks ago and, as you can see, I have already had hits from as far away as Germany and South Africa.

Thank you again!
Have a great evening everyone!

Occasional Hyker

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The Management